Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Solid Foundation

"Life with Christ is an endless hope; without Him a hopeless end." – Unknown

The Holy Scriptures talk about our life being likened to a house which in some instances, some homes are built with strong foundation thus were meant to last while some crumble easily when strong winds blow or are drifted away when flash floods come unexpectedly. Accordingly, the ultimate "difference is not in the severity of the storm but in the quality of the foundation upon which the structure is built." (Kenneth Osbeck)

Once we build our house with quality foundation, we are rest assured that no matter =how strong the tempest may be, or how wild the wind blows, it will stand still because of its strong foundation. and so with our life, once we lay our life in Jesus Christ alone, our strongest foundation, no storm so strong, wind so wild, flood so high and deep could ever shake us because we have HIM in our hearts and we are safe in HIS HANDS. Trust no one but God alone!

For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11)

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