Thursday, November 6, 2008

on dreamality

I have read Mr. Bob Coy's book entitled "Dreamality" just few days ago. I am so lucky to have bought one from a book sale (which is not necessarily cheap but at least cheaper than the original price). I had it reserved at the cash counter area and waited for almost a week to be able to purchase it finally as I could hardly wait to have my own copy of this book.

Dreamality is an inspiring book as it talks about understanding God’s own heart for us and the reliving of our dreams which have been extinguished by our frustrations, anger and bitterness. It awakens our spirits which have long been toppled down by our selfishness and conceits as well as egoistic principles.

Dream is God’s gift to mankind. It is a vision which God has endowed man with. It shows the other side of man’s spirituality and his connection to God. Dreaming is the totality of humanity’s hope to lead meaningful lives filled with purpose. This purpose is based on God’s. God’s purpose towards humanity transcends his (man’s) finite existence just like Joseph the dreamer. Limited as we are, God in His infinite wisdom has already crafted a wonderful and colorful life ahead of us.

According to him, no one doesn’t have a dream as every human heart beats to dream and to hope. It’s just that some of these are still in the horizon waiting to be realized, to be materialized. It’s just a question of waiting for the perfect time and faith in God. Why do some people seem to fail in their dreams? Is it the absence of God in their lives? Nope. It is the absence of faith in God. It is because of man’s faithlessness and impatience that they stop hoping and eventually give up dreaming. Dreams are not meant to be slept on…They are meant to be realized, to become a reality.

Somewhere along the way, while we are bombarded with unexplainable harsh conditions, we end up letting go of our dreams. We let them fly like birds freeing them from our cage of hopefulness and faith. Setting our dreams free is equivalent to replacing our optimism with pessimism. Instead of encouraging ourselves, we pamper the feeling of inferiority and cynicism.

I agree with the author in his belief that hope can actually be revived. We can still rekindle in our hearts the expectation of something more as God is our dream- deliverer as well as the fountain of our dreams.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming and dreams aren’t impossible. God even wants the best and grandest of everything our human mind could ever think of. It’s our petty faithlessness that makes our dreams fail. We should think big, hope big. Think grand, hope grand and dream grand. God can make that come to reality.

Basically our problem why most of us fail is that “we fail to dream because we dream to fail”. Should we only dream to succeed and reach them, we certainly reach and succeed…that is the essence of dreaming and achieving. But we must not forget that all dreams should be authored by God and in lined to his will.

Lest we forget, always be reminded that we dream not to satisfy and gratify ourselves but to glorify God and enjoy him forever. When we see our dreams at a distance and think that we can never attain these, we have one assurance that will never falter; God wants us to make heaven’s dream our reality so that we can serve the purpose of glorifying HIM and enjoying His presence forever.

Lastly, the author leaves us a picture of which we are to choose from. Will we let go of our own dream and allow heaven’s dream to become our reality? Accordingly, the ball is in our court. All we have to do is to complete the journey in life by connecting to the DREAM GIVER then we can hold in full grasp the abundant provision, supernatural power and shining excellence of a God-given dream. Then live a dreamality.

Let me quote the authors’ final statement in his book “It is my prayer that you will be encouraged to seek the same heavenly Father I have. He’s the only One powerful enough, wise enough and good enough to restore and fulfill heaven’s dream in your life.”

1 comment:

Joan said...

geez, this is so enlightening. Its funny how humans tag dreams as merely 'dreams' and dismiss it as not real when in fact its actually a hint of a reality...(Guilty sad ko dah,hehe.) Hope does springs from our faith in Him too.

And isnt it so obvious that im enjoying your inspiring posts here maam xena?haha..keep 'em a fan :)